Everyday on the way to work I pass by 3 tolls... now I would think that passing by those money sappping devices practically every working day I would be familiar with them.
Well anyway I accidently left one of my touch and go cards on the car dashboard under the non slip mat... by the time it was discovered it was adi half fried and crooked. I decided to test it out to see if it was still working... so one saturday I told YS to use the Tunai & touch and go lane.. so if the card fails we can still pay money... surprisingly when we passed by, there was no tunai & touch and go... how strange... all the touch and go lanes just said "Touch & Go" ...but I could have sworn I saw at least one lane with the Tunai when i passed by everyday.
The following monday on the way to work, I saw it! The words Tunai & Touch and Go at that very toll... I was like ehh?? Determined that I really saw it... the following friday when I was on leave.. I passed by that toll with YS again... and lo and behold... the sign was not there... it was then that we realised, the signboard flips during peak hours, so that people can pay chas at the touch and go lanes... CHEY.... and I tot I was going crazy...
Well I guess some of you also don't know this, don't tell me I'm the only one who didnt know that the signs can flip right? RIGHT?