Friday, January 19, 2007

Coffee, tea and me

I just made my first cup of non instant coffee. 24 years of living and this is my first time. Well as some of you guys know I'm not a coffee drinker. I prefer Milo, Ovaltine, Vico or any other sweet drink to coffee. I was driven to this because I forgot to bring my breakfast once again, and all the food in my drawer has expired. Even the tea has expired. Sigh...

Yesterday I made 3 in 1 coffee because I ran out of ovaltine. Today there was nothing left so I gingerly made my way to the kitchen, and stared at all the bottles and tins of what not on top of the fridge. Hence began a legendary moment in my life. Making my first coffee.

Ok, the black stuff in one of the containers should be the coffee. Hmm..there is no spoon in the container. The spoon in my cup is wet coz I just washed it. Ok I shall attempt to tip a bit of the coffee powder into my cup.... Arghhh... too much! Spoons half the powder into the dustbin. Ok, now what else do they have... hmm creamer... how much to put? Cincai la put 1 spoon. 1 spoon la. Add hot water and stir. Erm... the coffee looks too dark... ok add a bit more creamer. Take a sip... Bleah.. a bit bitter... adds more sugar. Takes another sip.... too sweet liao :S Ok, pour 1/4 of the coffee into the sink, and add in more hot water. Ok, cincai la, that should do.

Ok, so it tastes kinda diluted now. Well nevermind, too much coffee would give me a headache anyway. Guess this will at least allow me to last till lunchtime.


edwiN said...

lol, tat's the funniest, "Coffee, The Making" hahahaa...

eeh, u forgot Nescafe TV Ads teach? 1-2-3 maa, 1 teaspoon Nescafe, 2 teaspoon sugar and 3 (or 2 and a half) teaspoon Coffemate.

That's delicious leh..
Go now and make your 2nd cup... ;p

YSLim said...

this is one of the disadvantage to only know how to make coffee by 3 in 1....

Jyrenze said...

hehe I seldom watch TV..thats y didnt see that ad

Eng said...

really... Nescafe had such an ad before? I've never seen it too...

Anonymous said...

ya woh.... how come everyone didnt see b4 geh.. hehe, mayb u'all watch astro too much gua, tat ads oni show in Malaysian TV :p

usually i only watch tv at 6pm for drama oni maa.. other than tat also veri less :D

ashes said...

hey tats how we all made our first coffee..or well at least tats how i did..haha..

tambah sikit..kurang sikit..buang sikit..tambah lagi..hmmm..okla boleh tahan..


Eng said...

er... I dun have Astro but since even that I could miss that advert. shows how much TV I watch these days...

Anonymous said...

whats the thing following the cursor? fly/bee??

Anonymous said...
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Philip said...

dun like coffee, or nescafe except for high class expensive coffees ^-^ HEHE

Only know coffee gives wrinkles =)