Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Q & A - Tagged by Steffi

A Thoughts Provoking Q&A...
I got tagged!
Name 20 people u can think of and then tag 5 more people to do the survey. Do not read the questions before you write.

1. Alvin Boey
2. Sarah Boey
3. Chin Yee
4. Chi Wei
5. Wei I
6. YsLim
7. Ash
8. Hsiou Ling
9. Philip
10.Chun Eng
12.Wei Li
13. See Min
14. Billy Tong
15. Hai Ling
16. Lai Li Lin
17. Pauline
18. Gina
19. Victor
20. Jonathan

1. How did u meet #14 (Billy Tong)
My classmate in college

2. What would u do if u haven't met #1 (Alvin Boey)
I would not have known that such crappyness existed in the world :p

3. What would u do if #20 (Jonathan) and #9 (Philip) dated?
I think Jon would most certainly freak, Philip hmmmmmmm ^.^

4. Would #6 (YsLim) and #17 (Pauline) make a good couple?
Aahahaha.... well there is a rather large age gap I would think

5. Describe #3 (Chin Yee)
Always manages to buy cheap bags, likes cute pigs? Or rather people like to give her cute pigs

6. Do you think #8 (Hsiou Ling) is attractive
Hehe yeah, have always though so :)

7. Tell me something about #7 (Ash)?
Potential gf must learn to peel prawns....

8. Do you know anything about #12 (Wei Li)'s family?
Uh, considering she is my sis..I guess so :p

9. What is #1's (Alvin Boey's) favourite?
Chicken rice, bak kut teh, Manchester United

10. What would you do if #11 (Steffi ) confesses that he/she likes you?
Well............. she does have a variety of tastes, but I'm sure she prefers feminine guys rather than girls. (*prepares to run away)

11. What language does #15 (Hai Ling) speak?
Cacat language. No really... well we do have our own language.. Right Pei yi? hahaha

12. Who is #9 (Philip) going out with?
Steffi was saying that its Chun Eng? haha.. well who knows Philip is mysterious all the time.

13. How old is #16 (Lai Li Lin)?
My age... shhh, not to be disclosed here

14. When was the last time you talked to #13 (See Min)?
2 months ago I guess... on the phone

15. Who is #2 (Sarah Boey's)'s favourite singer?
You got me here, I only know she likes the prison break guy, singers..tak tau

16. Would you date #4 (Chi Wei)?
Well... maybe if I were 5 years younger or he were 5 years older, hahhahaha

17. Would you date #7 (Ash)?
Hehe, weren't we just discussing this yesterday ash? :p

18. Is #15 (Hai Ling) single?
Hmm... she claims to be, but not sure if there are any new developments

19. What is #10 (Chun Eng)'s last name?
Tan I think. Don't kill me if I'm wrong >.<

20. Would you consider being in a relationship with #19 (Victor)?
Inter-office relationships are not fated to go well I think

21. What schools did #17 (Pauline) go to?
No clue, never got to asking her that I think, hehe...

22. What is your favourite thing about #5 (Wei-I)?
She talks in the middle of the night... like last night, then I can tease her about it :p

23. What do you think about #13 (See Min)?
I've known her for the longest time, she seems quiet but just wait till you know her :p

24. What do #4 (Chi Wei) and # 18 (Gina) have in common?
I think they are opposite in every way

25. What special qualities does #5 (Wei-I) hold in your life?
Uh, we are blood related?


StephanieC said...

... I don't even know where to begin. Well, I guess I'll start from the top.

3. What would u do if #20 (Jonathan) and #9 (Philip) dated?
I think Jon would most certainly freak, Philip hmmmmmmm ^.^

Steffi: *Snickers*

7. Tell me something about #7 (Ash)?
Potential gf must learn to peel prawns....
Steffi: Ash's gonna kill ya...

10. What would you do if #11 (Steffi ) confesses that he/she likes you?
Well............. she does have a variety of tastes, but I'm sure she prefers feminine guys rather than girls. (*prepares to run away)

Steffi: But not before I do...DIE YOU!

12. Who is #9 (Philip) going out with?
Steffi was saying that its Chun Eng? haha.. well who knows Philip is mysterious all the time.

Steffi: *snickers*

17. Would you date #7 (Ash)?
Hehe, weren't we just discussing this yesterday ash? :p

Steffi: Discussing without ME?! HOWCAN! So what's the end result?

Jyrenze said...

As I recall Steffi, you are the one that kept leaving the voice conversation... so dont blame us. No la we were jus discussing on what if ash were to ask any of his gang out, or you or me or something like that, end result ar... I think he said all those girls afraid he's gonna rape them or something :p So all travel in a pack when ash is around...muahahaa (*runs away from ash)

ashes said...


this 2 gals ar..wateva i type in YM or MSN sure kena masuk blog one!

ash must be EXTRA careful dun bising if ash goes missing in YM or MSN..u guys know why

Philip said...

HMMM... Philip the mysterious, =D COOL!!!

Alamak... all got my name one >,< i better go type one out then

Jyrenze said...

Alvin: Define crappyness, pun!

Alvin, the essence of crappyness is a guy that turns into his female counterpart at will, Alvin -->Alvini, and the lameness that reults for that transformation....

StephanieC said...

I wonder whether Ash will be the one who gets gang raped in the end by the pack of girls...

Anonymous said...

alvini: wong wypun, i am not crappy..

alvin: c'mon vini, don't think she meant it in a bad way...c'mon..chill

alvini: ggrrr...okie..okie..what ever you say...


alvini: but wypun u still owe me an apology...

yours truly,


Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. blackberry winter robert penn warren