Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Mid Autum Festival

Ok I know this post is like waaay outdated, but anyway I will just blog it, since I already planned to do so since last month.

Now way back when I was small, I think around 10? We used to celebrate the mooncake festival at our friends' houses, going around with the lanterns and all, then eating, playing games, candles and fireworks...

Well those were the days lar...as we grew up we stopped doing all these la, the gov banned the fireworks and playing with lanterns was getting so childish and all.

Anyway, thanks to some self confessed peter pans, last year I did celebrate mid autumn festival, as well as this year.

We had mooncakes... however not just any mooncake but SAMBAL mooncake and a few other interesting ones. The taste was pretty unique but not bad at all.

We arranged candles into patterns just like we did when we were kids. Can you tell what this is supposed to be?

Well its actually
u know, a fella holding up his uh..middle fingers, hahaaahaha, so much for the usual heart shapes and all... although we did those too

After that, being the creative people we are, we melted down the candles to make art!

Mmm, looking like candy!

We played with lanters this time too...

well...actually we played at burning them :p

Well I guess thats how deprived adults play with "kiddy" mooncake festival toys. Our brains have been warped....


ashes said...

haha..well at least u had some fun "playing" lanterns..the tradition didnt die off completely.

speaking abt mooncakes..i had one very nice one ..some kinda dried prawns in it..very tasty..now i wish i can eat it again..

Eng said...

maybe you could get them and share with us next year...