Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Monday oh Monday......

I'm so sleepy... Somehow anything less than 8 hours of sleep is just not enough for me. WOrking seems to sap energy from my life.

Today I heard on radio about the DJ and his friend who would drive around the parking lot of the office and keep honking. Then all the office people who double parked would come rushing out to see if its their car blocking someone. Really, like that also can... should have done that during college days, but it probably would have been useless since the car park is not exactly near enough to the classrooms for any honking to be audible. I remember that double parkers usually leave thier handphone numbers on thier windscreens. The worse kind are those that dont, and even the security gueards cant do anything about them....then we would be forced to wait up to an hour for the owner to arrive. Such inconsiderate people deserve to have their cars scratched and dented.

Few days back I also read in the papers about this officer that is in trouble for failing a girl's driving because she refused to bribe him. About time they did something like that, I was also a victim of these greedy officers 4 years ago. I'd rather resit the test than put money in their pockets. I mean this has been going on for like how many years, its almost part of Malaysian culture.

Sigh, the boss still hasn't assigned work to me yet. Having nothing to so is fine, but sitting in a location where your boss can see everything that goes on at your monitor is not fine at all.... have to try to look busy even when I'm not

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