Saturday, June 18, 2005

One hot afternoon during lunch hour....

(Everyone) : bla bla and bla .......
(QA person) : Say, I wonder who put all those strange names into our database
(Programmer) : What names?
(QA person) : Under suppliers, someone put names like Lala, Halo, XXYYZZ..
(Me) : (gulps) Uh, you can just delete those right?
(QA person) : No, that person also tied them to other records already, so they cant be deleted. Whenever we print out sample reports for the boss, those wierd names are all there.
(Me) :(Sweats)Oh I see....... (Tries to look innocent)


Eng said...

Did you confess or did you remain innocent?

Jyrenze said...

i suddenly burst into laughther when they look at me. then they know la..